Recent content by mistertim887

  1. M

    Sound (gunshot) triggered light Project

    "Quote Posts" serve a very useful purpose; you get an email notification upon each new reply, and, Personally, I tend to log into my email account a lot more than this I log into forums. I suspect most other users do too. Piezoelectric elements are high impedance components. However, from...
  2. M

    Sound (gunshot) triggered light Project

    Hi Sam Thanks for your quick reply! Since posting and ordering the Maplin unit I've done a bit more surfing around the web and found the 'SK2 Flash trigger unit' here I'm thinking of ordering the parts for it. It's designed for high...
  3. M

    Sound (gunshot) triggered light Project

    Hi. I own and work at a shooting range in the UK. It would be great if anyone could help or advise me with my latest project. I would like to create something that triggers an instant, red flash next to a 100 yard target whenever a shot is fired. It is important that the flash is red, bright...
  4. M

    Wife wants a new kitchen but I'm skint!

    I have just redone my kitchen fairly cheaply. I wanted a handleless style one. I replaced my cabinet and draw-fronts (but left the actual cabinets in). I replaced the plinths under the cabinets, and replaced the worktops. However, my kitchen is very straight forward and fairly small. If you have...