Recent content by mrspax

  1. M

    droning valves

    wrong end!? Didn't realise there was a wrong end? How would the end of the rad that it is mounted on make any difference? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ actually i see what you mean. You mean that the valve should be on the end where the water enters the rad. I was...
  2. M

    droning valves

    I have a similar problem in my house. We have a combi and it is fed directly from the mains with no tanks. The problem appears to be central heating related though as the buzzing/droning only occurs when the heating is on (thank god it's summer!!!!). The sound is stopped by opening radiator...
  3. M

    Unblocking Scaled Up Toilet

    Well that was possibly one of the most scummy jobs I have ever had the misfortune of doing. I used the Fernox and watched it fizz away more than a glass of cola does. This must have really loosened up the scale because as soon as I rinsed it all through a few times and plunged a couple of times...
  4. M

    Unblocking Scaled Up Toilet

    My bad. Was getting confused between ceramic and enamelled. :oops: Many thanks for your help mate. Will give it a whirl when I get some on the way back tonight.
  5. M

    Unblocking Scaled Up Toilet

    I assume you mean the plastic cage itself as opposed to the block itself... However I am pretty sure it is scale as it affects both our loos (they are the same age as we had both bathrooms done in one foul swoop) and I remember chucking the cage thing away myself..... So if it's scale, the...
  6. M

    Unblocking Scaled Up Toilet

    we did..... but we gave up on them a few years ago once the "novelty" wore off and just used regular loo cleaner. What are you insinuating the problem is then?
  7. M

    Unblocking Scaled Up Toilet

    Tried plunging, and the old coca cola trick. Got rid of some of it but it still keeps blocking every time someone shall we say "gives it a good go". :oops: I have been told by a colleague that FERNOX DS3 is the stuff to go and that it can be bought in B&Q. ANyone agree with that? Thanks...
  8. M

    Limescale in toilet pan

    Any idea where an ordinary joe like me can get these kinds of concentrated acids from. I thought they were really only available to industrial customers and not Joe public?
  9. M

    Removing A Shower Tray

    Been there and done that.... It is DEFINITELY the tray as pouring water directly down the plug hole from a watering can causes the leak. There are no inspection panels on the sides at all. It is one vacuum moulded unit. Would there be wooden/metal joists in there which would be set in to the...
  10. M

    Removing A Shower Tray

    Hey all. A bit of advice for a noob if you please! I have a leaky shower try and my suspicion is the plumbing (after a lot of deduction). I obviously need to move the tray to get to the plumbing but am a little nervous as to how to get at it. I don't know how it is held in there (It was...