Recent content by Nauticool

  1. N

    Insulate a lean to

  2. N

    Insulate a lean to

    There is already Dpm underneath the concrete floor should I still lay some before insulation? Builder has told me to fill the air gap with cellotex and not have one but not sure why. Which is best air gap or none? Also I will have a 50mm air gap between insulation and roof due to the way...
  3. N

    Insulate a lean to

    Oops my bad, there is an air gap so will it need ventilation?
  4. N

    Insulate a lean to

    Thanks for that! You do step down onto the concrete floor but it is raised by about 50mm off the outside ground level, not sure what's underneath it I assume I won't be needing ventilation, air bricks, on the wall as I am not creating a cavity?
  5. N

    Insulate a lean to

    Hi I have a lean to next to my lounge that I wish to start using as a dinning room. It will be heated via a rad from existing loop. The room is 8m x 4m. The build is of single brick but double glazed windows and doors. Can anyone give me a bit of guidance on how to insulate this area? I...