Recent content by NeilFawcett

  1. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    Roofer here - One of the head stones at the top of the roof (next to the chimney) is broken, and another tile cracked too. Replacing today which is useful as bad weather forecast! I've ordered proper lids for the cold water tank, and expansion tank. Hopefully they'll fit!
  2. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    I'll measure and cut as carefully as I can... I assume the lids are not dome shaped inside thus meaning all the water simply runs out to the edge and down the side of the tank, and instead drops back in again? This article suggests some condensation is to be expected, especially after...
  3. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    OK, I'll measure up, order, and chop :) I'll plug the gap around the chopped out wedge with some plastic bags/insulation to make it better. Well, I've checked the insulation wasn't blocking the sofits, which it was in about half a dozen places. But to be honest I recon the condensation...
  4. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    So you seem to be saying, some condensation in the house and loft is almost to be expected this time of year? ie: There will be some moisture in the air, and there will be cold surfaces with which to condense it. In the case of the house, windows for example. In the case of my loft, my north...
  5. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    It's indeed hardly a scientific approach, but, in my case we're talking about a row of identical detached houses, with identical roofs. Again, hardly conclusive, but an interesting indication I suspect. We have I recon a good 4-6 inches of old style insulation, and than in a lot of areas...
  6. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    Well the insulation hasn't changed, so I don't see how that might account for any perceived increase in condensation in the roof space? The insulation is not 30cm deep, it's the old traditional insulation between the beams so probably 15cm or so? That said:- 1) A lot of it is boarded up over...
  7. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    The cold water tank has a round sheet of marine ply over it.... If you lift it up there is always some water on the underside of it.
  8. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    Absolutely! I'll get it looked at! They are LED (so less heat), with thermal caps, and insulation and/or boarding over them... The two in the shower room, are full IP65 shower lights (with caps/insulation). There's no more damp on the lining of the loft roof in that area than others, and to...
  9. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    There has been some work done up in the loft (downlighters in a room) which means insulation has been moved in places. I've just been up there and ensured the insulation in a lot of areas is not touching the roof lining so air can travel to/from the eaves. Most was OK, but I did move/clear a...
  10. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    So a little bit of condensation in the loft - enough to form some patches of droplets with a few dripping down (nothing major) - is normal this time of year? Coincidentally I've just lagged the cold water tank up there... Could that contribute in anyway? There was alot of condensation on the...
  11. N

    Condensation in loft, trickle down chimney breast

    I've noticed over the past few weeks a small amount of condensation in the loft. Enough so you can see some droplets of water hanging from the roof lining and some drops that have fallen off into the boarding below. I've half put this down to the cold/damp conditions we've had recently...