Recent content by Oozoid

  1. O

    Worlds biggest philanthropist gives a warning .....

    You're well-acquainted with Roger then, knowing him so well? I hope your belief in reincarnation is restricted to this internet dimension? Notwithstanding, I am not he. And like you, not following my logic, I do not follow yours. Especially regarding bigotry. I was brought up a Methodist and a...
  2. O

    Worlds biggest philanthropist gives a warning .....

    Blightyman: I was responding to JohnD's post, not to Doggit's. But from a rational perspective I find I must agree with Doggit too. If we regard human intervention - or any human proclivity, for instance our sexual desire, more widespread than that of any other animal - as 'unnatural', then it...
  3. O

    Worlds biggest philanthropist gives a warning .....

    JohnD, you said "dead babies, dead parents, and disease are not birth control method". You did not mention 'killing'. The 'methods' you mentioned are perfectly natural. (As is murder, for that matter.) Only nature kills, whether through human agency or another of its evolved methods (bacteria...
  4. O

    Worlds biggest philanthropist gives a warning .....

    EFLImpudence: When it comes to despising religions and royalists, I have no favourites. But the Church of England (which has merely replaced one supposed descendant of god (the Pope) with another (the Queen) should not be confused with Protestantism (which rejects all worldly gods). (Not that...
  5. O

    Worlds biggest philanthropist gives a warning .....

    I agree that Gates, having exploited his disciples (addicts?) for decades, now uses 'our' money to exacerbate the problem of overpopulation. But hey, that's capitalism, so it must be good, right? But what exactly is Roger928's problem with having 'blacks' in his society? Does he really believe...
  6. O

    Bypass Valve confusion

    Oh dearie me, yet another forum full of morons.
  7. O

    Bypass Valve confusion

    Boilers, in my very limited experience, always have an internal automatic bypass valve, the purpose of which is to add a bit of hot water when the water returning from the radiators is cold enough to cause condensation of the flue gases (and thus corrosion). This ABV closes when returning water...