Recent content by philwest

  1. P

    Smoothing artex ceiling

    I recently used Smoothover to cover an artex ceiling. I'm really pleased with the result, but it was a lot of hard (and messy) work, especially sanding the artex down to less than 3mm. It struck me that a really straightforward solution would be to nail up new plasterboard on top (or rather...
  2. P

    Can I remove a radiator from a closed central heating system

    Thanks for all this. I inspected the radiator last night and was expecting to see a valve at each end. Unfortunately there is the hand valve at one end, and the 15mm pipe seems to be plumbed straight in at the other end (there is no reference to this possibility in my DIY book!!). What I'm keen...
  3. P

    Can I remove a radiator from a closed central heating system

    Thanks Ian. Can I pick up inhibitor in a DIY store or is it more specialist? Presumably the bottle will give the amount required? Also, is it OK to drain the existing water into the garden or a drain, or do I have to be more careful with disposal?
  4. P

    Can I remove a radiator from a closed central heating system

    I have a closed ch system (with a pressure feed/flexible hose; no overflow tank) and am looking to relocate a radiator (due to knocking out central plasterboard wall between toilet and bathroom). Would like to replace existing radiator with heated towel rail and relocate on far wall. Because I...