Recent content by pieman2008i

  1. P

    PIR code 1

    I wonder what would happen if I put my finger in there?
  2. P

    Old colours and new colours

    slightly OT I found half a roll of old 1.5 twin and earth in my loft, how much to rekon I could get for it on fleabay? :D
  3. P

    Type B or Type C

    My friend is doing the work, but is currently away in Switzerland, I just saw a good offer & was curious what the difference between type B & C breakers are...
  4. P

    Type B or Type C

    can you elaborate on that for me please? Is it or is it not a good idea to mix breaker type within the same consumer unit? (assuming there are things with motors & or starters in a domestic situation)? Just curious :D
  5. P

    Type B or Type C

    Wow! Many thanks for super quick replys :D Type B it is then... :) Jus wondering what C are for then? things like tool sharpners, lathes(spl), & bandsaws? would have thought a 3 phase supply would be more suited to that? But what do I Know?! lol :D
  6. P

    Type B or Type C

    Hi there, just a quick question... I have seen a good deal in my local wholesaler on consumer units & associated paraphernalia, I was wondering what type of RCBO is better in a domestic situation? B or C??? Before you beat me to death with a hardback copy of part P I am having a friend...
  7. P

    What is this?

    My point exactly! :roll: Also thanks to guitarguy, you post will be of much help when contacting my DNO(Energie De Francais) re my cutout replacement. :D
  8. P

    What is this?

    A big thanks to JohnD!!! :D by far the most useful & helpful reply so far!!! I think I will be writing to them today... That isn't really useful is it? or is that the gun you mentioned earlier in the post? Imagine if I was dumb enough to take you seriously and took a heat gun to my...
  9. P

    What is this?

    ok my last post wasn't all that relevant (sorry)! But I found this to redeem myself:
  10. P

    What is this?

    Did a bit of research into changing a service cutout found this :D hehe or: Des boîtes extérieures ne doivent pas être installées • à l'intérieur d'une propriété
  11. P

    What is this?

    There earth doesnt look all that good either? Also forgot to say that My local DNO is EDF, dunno if thats relevant? bonjour pouvez vous changer ma tête de service! LOL I will find out if there is a cost & post back So that others can get a rough idea how much... thanks again ;)
  12. P

    What is this?

    I will see what the DNO say about it, hopefull it will b free? If not I wouldn't mind paying to get rid. "That's an Insurance Job Isn't it?" Is my neighbours (landlords) answer to most things...
  13. P

    What is this?

    Hi, Many thank-you's for Quick & useful replys! Any Idea how many hundreds? Not a fan of 1940's technology! You guessed it :D I can box it in but It just looks like a dangerous mess & I wanted to see If I can get it ttidyedup. I was hoping for a larger consumer unit as flat is quite...
  14. P

    What is this?

    Hi there, My first post here, YEY! basicly I was wondering what the h*ll this great lump of pig iron is??? I am concidering having the the old fuse board replaced with a shinney new consumer unit, but this great big lump of metal is in the way! I'm guessing it is some kind...