Recent content by pixelmix

  1. P

    Topping up pressure in 24CDi

    Cheers Tony - got it eventually using some pliers to turn the dial - it was just a bit stiff. Ta for your help - I can see how this is a fiddle for old folks - I've no excuse, I'm only 23!
  2. P

    Topping up pressure in 24CDi

    Ah, okay, that makes sense. I've got two problems then - can't seem to get the key to let water flow and I can't budge the little grey dial at all with the key in or out. Hmm
  3. P

    Topping up pressure in 24CDi

    Should it be impossible to rotate the key several times? The top of mine looks very worn and it rotates through 360 degrees. From your description I assume that the little grey dial should turn easily with my fingertips if the key is properly inserted? Thanks for your help
  4. P

    Topping up pressure in 24CDi

    I have a Worcester 24CDi combi boiler in a flat we recently moved into which needs topped up. I have a boiler key to top it up but can't seem to get it to work so I have a couple of stupid questions; - Should the key just insert and rotate 90 degrees or something? Mine looks really worn and...