Recent content by Riki

  1. Riki

    Replacement old valves

    Armitage Shanks no longer supply their old long stem, deep seated, tap valves (see attached broken). Does anyone have any to sell? Thanks in advance.
  2. Riki

    Replacement old valves

    I need to replace a set of old Armitage Shanks valves (see attached broken one) which are deeply seated and much longer than the standard valves I have found on the market. Is there a way around without having to replumb which would require taking the basin off the wall?
  3. Riki

    Replacement old valves

    I need to replace a set of old Armitage Shanks valves (see attached broken one) which are deeply seated and much longer than the standard valves I have found on the market. Is there a way around without having to replumb which would require taking the basin off the wall?
  4. Riki

    Green goo

    Mine definitely doesn't look like that! The main fuse box is immaculate. Some sockets are showing contamination though, on removal of covers. Cleaned them a few years ago and will be keeping an eye on them. Your photos make me feel better. Thanks.
  5. Riki

    Green goo

    The green goo is present in some sockets in our house but it doesn't show unless you open up the socket covers. In other words, the contamination, so far, is not severe. I clean the wires about every 3 years. I can't see the need to do a rewire unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Too much of...
  6. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    Fixed! It took the electrician well over an hour to ascertain that the culprit was a loose/disconnected neutral in a junction box "somewhere" (it baffled him for a while). He didn't bother to find out where the loose wire was and instead connected a NE cable between R1 and R2.The job was...
  7. Riki

    Green goo

    My post is about green goo affecting cables installed in the 60s.
  8. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    I have disconnected and reconnected both R1 and R2 several times but failed to solve the problem. I am now taking a break and shortly on holiday. When I come back I'll call an electrician and report the outcome. You can't win them all! Thank you everybody for your help and patience.
  9. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

  10. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    Here is a new photo of R1.
  11. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    Same results. Switched live to earth 246V and neutral to earth 246V
  12. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    Checked once again following your instructions step by step (and rechecked!) and the wiring is correct.
  13. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

  14. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    Thanks for coming in. R1 has been checked and rechecked (the flex were also duly corrected) and all wires are properly connected to the block. R2 is still not working, see new photo.
  15. Riki

    Switch wire. 2 of 3 are live!

    No. 3.