Recent content by Rookery

  1. R

    Water Dripping Down Outside Of Internal Soilpipe

    Yes that's right. There is a trickle of water running down the outside of the soil pipe, within my bathroom. When I went onto the roof, there was no moisture running down the pipe that is exposed above roof level. The Flashing isnt sitting in a pool of water, unless something is happening...
  2. R

    Water Dripping Down Outside Of Internal Soilpipe

    Thanks John. I should have said in my original post that the soilpipe and all fittings have only been in place for 2 years. Do you think the seal could have perished in so little time? Also, what is an SVP? Is it the flashing and aluminium at the top of the soil pipe? Also, this...
  3. R

    Water Dripping Down Outside Of Internal Soilpipe

    Hi, As the subject heading states, I have water dripping down the outside of the soil pipe, which runs down into the kitchen, from my bathroom. This is a nightmare as the kitchen walls are now wet. I've taken the bath panel away (impossible to get off), and had a good look at all the...
  4. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Me thinks people are taking the rise. How am I meant to know that "flow restriction" aint some technical term for a piece of plumbing equipment? You plumbers - all the same. Think you're so smart but its nothing more than simple mechanics and pipes boys. Dont get ideas above your...
  5. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Whats a flow restriction? What does it look like so I know what to look for?
  6. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Thing is it's always worked up till now with this thinner pipe. Must be the kink thats doing it then as I expect in the first 10 mins enough heat is lost and therefore it doesnt cycle. The plumber says this is normal behaviour for the boiler. Tosh right? Could there be anything else...
  7. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    No it's not a 22mm pipe. It's the other more standard size that connects into port A on the valve. 15mm is it? First question: should this is be 22mm as well? (This was already there - nothing to do with us). Secondly considering the symptoms I've described ie. fine for 10 mins then...
  8. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Kev this aint no rise mate. This dont sound good. Whats your thoughts then?
  9. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Croydon thanks for replying. I think you may have hit the nail on the head. The situation right now: 1) CH comes on (HW turned off) and doesnt fall over like it used to. Rads start to warm up. Improvement on before. 2) After 10/15 mins boiler starts to cycle every 30 secs or so...
  10. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Thanks for the follow up posts people....NOT. Talk about leaving people hanging in the wind. By way of follow up for anyone else out there who may be experiencing the same problems the solution was the 3 point valve. Fixed that and it worked.
  11. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Corgi strangely when I posted my last response your reply wasnt there even though mine was done 2 hours later. In response to your questions no the plumber didnt bleed anything after fitting the new pump. Your point reduces my already minimal faith in him even further. Is there anything...
  12. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    OK the latest developments: 1) Bled the rads with system turned off. Virtually no air hissed out and water was clear. 2) Turned on the CH and HW and boiler worked fine. Of the 3 rads the one in the bathroom heated up fine although the other two (living and bedroom) stayed stone cold...
  13. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    ...some extra info: it seemed as though the arm/lever on the valve was loose/broken. Any use?
  14. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    CC you ask how do I know the pump was working fine. Well to my untrained eye I thought it was as I could feel it rotating and the pipework either side was hot. Am I wrong in assuming then that this indicates correct functioning? I never had the HW on on its own. It was either the CH on its...
  15. R

    Banging Thorne Apollo Boiler!

    Right this was the sequence of events: 1) Turned on CH. Confirmed that pump working fine. After 10s loud banging noises and boiler turns itself off. Switched off CH. 2) Turned on CH again but this time the HW also. Pump still working fine. Boiler stays on but rads dont warm up...