Recent content by Ruasonid

  1. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    Yes, and it's the single skin of plasterboard than I cannot touch for various reasons so I'm limited to what I can do from the other side. Current plan is to reinforce the existing batts to create a 50mm frame. Thanks.
  2. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    Thanks. So you only have 6mm of nomoreply and the Stormwall? That's not going to reduce noise transmission to any degree.
  3. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    So what is the thickness of material (cement boards, etc.) that you have behind the Stormwall (I meant to say Stormwall not Showerwall)?
  4. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    Just for clarification: I was suggesting to remove the plasterboard and cardboard sandwich on the bathroom side, leaving the bedroom side, and adding wooden batts, to strengthen the structure. I was not proposing to build another stud wall. Thanks, that is a possibility though I was thinking...
  5. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    Thanks all. I probably have space for two additional sheets of plasterboard so will go for that option unless there is a better suggestion (except taking the wall down). I will have acoustic insulation installed too.
  6. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    The room is in use. It's not possible, so I'm looking for the best option with the bedroom side in situ. Thanks.
  7. R

    Paramount wall soundproofing

    I have a paramount wall (a sandwich of plasterboard and cardboard honeycomb) between a bedroom and a bathroom. As part of the bathroom refurbishment I'd like to do something about noise transmission since a shower will be installed adjacent and existing noise levels from the bathroom are already...