Recent content by Samsmith_123456

  1. S

    Water Mains Trench

    Okay thanks so no hardcore
  2. S

    Water Mains Trench

    Hi guys, Hope all is well. I am going to dig my first ever 750mm deep trench to lay a couple of MDPE pipes. Once I've dug it out and laid the pipe what material do I use to back fill?
  3. S

    Sound test passed - what flooring now

    Thanks. I just ended up with some 3mm underlay and 8mm Quick Step laminate.
  4. S

    Sound test passed - what flooring now

    Okay thank you all for you help. I am being pushed to 5mm Royal Gold underlay with Quick Step Laminate. I am taking a look at this regupol product but not sure if 5mm underlay and 8mm laminate will make the floor bouncy on top of the regupol
  5. S

    Sound test passed - what flooring now

    Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve got a carpet with underlay in one of the rooms as it’s needed to increase sound proofing. But don’t want it everywhere. I have scrapped the idea of laminate as the wood just makes too much noise walking over the floor. I’d probably be asking for trouble...
  6. S

    Sound test passed - what flooring now

    Hi, We passed our sound test for conversion of property into flats but now looking at our flooring options. I am undecided so seeking second opinion. What would be best to stop any additional sound coming into the flat below? 1. Quick Step Laminate with Quick Step Transitsound underlay or...