Recent content by Schnitz

  1. S

    Tiling around Toilets/baisins

    If at all possible, I'd remove the suites first - the finish looks better and there's no holes in your tiles if you ever wish to rearrange the room in the future. I guess you could get a good-looking finish if you were very careful cutting tiles to fit round the suites, but as Gcol says...
  2. S

    Cutting curves in wall tiles

    I bought one of these for exactly the same reasons you need one and regret it. Tried it once, as soon as the orbital blade bit, the tile cracked in half. Maybe it's my poor technique, but that was the last time I tried using it. Eventually, I got a professional tile cutter with a hole...
  3. S

    cutting floor tiles

    That's what I did recently - worked a charm :P
  4. S

    New Bathroom (Wall Tile's , Plumbing, Advice)

    From personal experience, that's not true. I recently retiled my bathroom after initially doing it several years ago. We PVA'd our plastered walls both times and left them to dry for 24 hours before tiling. The old tiles came down with barely a mark on the plaster underneath - we just...