Recent content by Serafiz

  1. S

    Elemental Survey?

    We have a ground floor damp issue** and after a few builders have looked at it I am none the wiser as to the cause and solution since they have all said different things. Being advised to get a surveyor, RICS registered, he has offered to do an elemental building survey. What should I ask...
  2. S

    Closing Redundant Copper Pipe

    When removing a radiator permanently from one room what is the best method to close off the end of the copper pipes that are no longer needed? I plan to cut them off in the attic near to where they come off a copper pipe that leads to another radiator in another room.
  3. S

    MDF Finish

    What options are there to finish an MDF surface? Have made a coffee table, 2 by 4 ft, and decided to go with MDF for the top and was going to paint it but am now wondering what other options I have to make it shine.