Recent content by shotgun

  1. S

    Rewire required because of reccommendation on Inst Cert?

    Hands up.... fair play :oops: just read the post again and hadn't noticed that the EIC certs had already been issued. 8) I'll agree that the earthing should already have been done :wink:
  2. S

    Kitchen spotlights

    You can remove the spotlights from below as they are fixed by spring clips into the hole and clamp onto the plasterboard. Still recommend a sparks though
  3. S

    Rewire required because of reccommendation on Inst Cert?

    Ah sorry Garymo but I think your wrong there, :P If the new installation is coming under building control then yes the original circuit wiring doesn't need sorting out as it won't be touched but main earth bonding etc might need upgrading to current standards to satisfy BS7671 and...
  4. S

    Henley Block

    No no no :shock: Someone suggested that the SP blocks should stop being made and that only DP ones should be available, I then said "how would you connect the multiple earths if you couldn't get an earth block" ie use a SP henley instead Its a lot easier to pick up a SP henley block than an...
  5. S

    Henley Block

    This has been suggested already but the point was being made about the henly blocks
  6. S

    Henley Block

    Accepted :) on to the next fight then :P
  7. S

    New Shower cable thickness advice and max shower watts

    If it is only 5m away and your having the CU replaced why not upgrade the cable to a 10mm and put in a 10.8Kw shower for nearly twice the power of a 7kw unit :?
  8. S

    Henley Block

    Who is mst ???? :o
  9. S

    Henley Block

    I know that but the point i was trying to get across was if they stop making the single phase blocks as kai suggested how could you do that I'll put the smiley up for you BAS :oops: :oops:
  10. S

    Henley Block

    What are you going to do with the earths then :roll: :wink: unless you've got a MET bar which is a bit like using a SP henley block
  11. S

    Henley Block

    I know that RF but it just shows what can happen to a "trained" person working within their own envoirment. :shock: would be a bit dramatic in an understairs cupboard though :wink:
  12. S

    Henley Block

    Interesting subject just check out this link to see what happens......... these guys are "trained" to do their job. :shock: