Recent content by simonB

  1. S

    Non-combustable Roof

    Thanks for your well meaning advice, really. I could wrote a few hundred words to explain why I dont want wood over my kiln, but can we just not accept the fact that I don't ? I REALLY want a non-combustible roof. If anyone can help on that, very grateful. Thanks
  2. S

    'Controllable' concrete removal....

    Many thanks .. looked them up on google and got very excited ! Only prob is that they are £50+ to hire for a single day... and I think a builder with the tool in his kit-bag already might do the whole job for the same. Still, many thanks.. at least now i know i've looked at all the options lol !
  3. S

    'Controllable' concrete removal....

    I have a solid concrete floor in my house. Most of the floor has quarry tiles set into the concrete, apart from one corner which is just completely concrete for about a sq meter. ... and that concrete has been filled in level with the top of the tiles. In order to put matching tiles in that...