Recent content by sky high

  1. S

    Replacing a roof fitted with spray foam

    See this is what happens, I had a doctor once that told me that the ache in my foot was not going to heal without surgery, 6 months on a stick and it might come back he said. After talking to a 'wacko magic potion seller' and asking DOC if it might work, (I did not take his advise) but I used a...
  2. S

    Fascias & Soffits - to cloak or not to cloak!

    [size=6][color=blue]PVCu does not last forever. the UV deterioration on most plastic used for this 'improvement' actually start to dry out within 12w months and within 10 years the plastic is brittle and faded. My mate across the road always cut away any rotting timber (remember most houses...
  3. S

    Replacing a roof fitted with spray foam

    Leave it...... get your roof coated by a ISO 9002 coating company. 10 years warranty and the only way to stop porous tiles getting worse. We got our roof re-coated 2 years ago and it still looks great. We had the same issue with previus owners fitting foam. Our chartered surveyor said that it's...