Recent content by smars

  1. S

    3 Inch Breeze block walls

    You can chop a box out into 3 inch breeze wall without breaking through the other side. You have to be very careful though. It is best to 'pepper' the area you are removing with a drill. That way you don't have to hit the wall too much.
  2. S


    A shower must have its own circuit and cannot be supplied from another circuit. If you live in a flat and don't want to start chasing out walls, try using mini trunking.
  3. S

    gravel boards

    They should touch the ground at some point. If the ground is not level they may touch at the highest point but there will be a gap at the lowest point. Any gaps are usually backfilled though. If the board is 6 inches off the ground all the way along it sounds like the posts are out of plumb...