Recent content by snowwolf

  1. S

    Fitting a new wood burner, flue question

    Cheers Oilman :-) the info in that attachment is really really handy, thanks a lot, suprised at all that needs to be done to make it all work....thanks again for your help.
  2. S

    Fitting a new wood burner, flue question

    I have done some research, but it does all seem so confusing, Does the flue HAVE to go above the ridge by 600mm no matter what. I have seen quite a few flues in the village that come out the roof half way up and only about...
  3. S

    Fitting a new wood burner, flue question

    I am a bit stuck, because the house has no chimney :-( and the only wall I can have it on is the gable end of the property. The stainless is 316 I could easily lag the pipe, not really to much problem, just wondered why some of the pipe is insulated and some not, you can buy the isulated flue...
  4. S

    Fitting a new wood burner, flue question

    I am fitting a wood/multi stove in the lounge, it will be on an outside wall (end of terrace) nearest house is 25ft away. I have looked at the price of the flues ( 6 inch ) and are quite expensive. I can get 6 inch 1.5mm thick stainless steel pipe from work very cheaply and what I want to...