Recent content by Sonicboom1

  1. S

    New water Pipe

    hi they are giving me 25mm, if i want 32 i have to pay over 2K and get a water meter installed.
  2. S

    New water Pipe

    Hi, Found out recently that I have a lead supply and communication pipe. I've arranged to fix my side and affinity water have agreed replace there piece with 25mm MDPE. What kind of improvement will i see? Also is that a lead pipe?? if so what is the internal diametre of that lead? (i believe...
  3. S

    Working out Angles

    Errrrr can I pay you to come around and do this for me???
  4. S

    Working out Angles

    Hi woody yes they do!!! :( what is a OS map?? how would a architect do it??
  5. S

    Working out Angles

    Afternoon all, (posting in the correct forum this time) Im trying to work out a angle to find out how I can build my 2nd storey side extension. I need to work out what is 45 degrees from the middle my neighbours closet windows. The problem is the neighbor's house is on a angle. (dont know what...