Recent content by spannerj

  1. S

    Wiring a PIR

    Crude diagram I know but is this what you are saying it should be wired like? Cables In Switch ----earth------- |----LS-----| ----------red---------- Switch ----black------- |-----N-----| ---------blue--------- Power ----black--------...
  2. S

    Wiring a PIR

    I haven't but I can easily get something if it helps. What would I need to do with it?
  3. S

    Wiring a PIR

    I have the instructions but they really aren't good and the diagrams are just unreadable. Also from what I can decipher from the instructions I have one more wire than they are giving me instructions for!
  4. S

    Wiring a PIR

    Good afternoon, I wonder if someone can help me? I had a motion sensor in my garage which had to be replaced as it started going haywire. I didn't check how it was wired before I removed it to install my replacement. Previously the sensor would come on when motion was...