Recent content by stevethebiker

  1. S

    current regs/ best practice/ exterior wall lightning and sup

    ok guys, thanks for the sound advice.. i am trying to help out an old friend who has bought what looked like a great home to retire in, but now finds it is a dogs dinner.. was trying to save on sparky fees, but i have to admit i was in two minds about it.. out of interest when she gets...
  2. S

    current regs/ best practice/ exterior wall lightning and sup

    hi guys and gals.. can someone advise me on two projects no. 1 running cable out to some exterior lighting. this is going on the wall of the property 8ft off the ground. fed from a switched fused (3a) spur from the socket ring, (32a trip and rcd in mcb) what is advised...
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    brown water stains to ceiling

    hi guys which zinsser do i use to stop brown stains from joist timbers coming through on a ceiling. ( rain during loft conversion ) which will stop the stain and take emulsion readily afterwards i know this comes up often, but could not find a thread today thanks, steve
  4. S

    Black mortar???

    as suggested readily available colouriser or dye.. your local travis will have it on the shelf 5 to 1 sand to cement should be good, a little sprinkle of the magic powder and a drop of water.. say the spell correctly and elves will appear, do the job in two shakes and make you a cup of...
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    Ferroli optima 901 over pressurisation

    i am no expert but i think this may be useful, the over pressuring if it happens only when the boiler starts up is most likey a failing expansion vessel. if there's a filling loop and this had failed then the pressure would build up regardless of whether the boiler's on or off when you...
  6. S

    central heating controller

    hi folks, who can recommend a controller to connect to the three port, the room stat and the immersion, that gives 7 day setting. to replace an old clock in a system where the boiler is controlled from in the h.w.c.
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    1900s brickwork cavities? insulation ?

    hi guys and gals, now then, now then.. 1908 building, dampness present inside, at skirting level on first floor... one of those tall high street parade type buildings in redbrick with bays and parapets.. first question.. did they use cavities, dpc and insulation then ? the clues are a...
  8. S

    three way valve

    Thanks for the help guys, in the end we split the billl just to stop her turning on the waterworks.. :? the engineer just left a very vague receipt, so no real clue as to what had gone, if anything.. ah well, onwards and upwards, as they say.. :roll:
  9. S

    three way valve

    no, the rad was ground floor, the room stat is the only part of the electrical system i was any where near, i had to strip wall paper but it mainly came off dry, with just a bit of sponge work, so no real clues there, unless a drop of water got int the stat, but what would that do with regard to...
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    three way valve

    Hi guys, here's a question and a half !! while doing a decorating job i closed the valves both sides of a rad to pop it off. no probs there, but while off there was a drip from one valve and the system leaked a gallon of water over 18 hours.( a topfed system not pressurised) on the morning...
  11. S

    central heating controls, pump actuator

    hello folks, i am trying to sort out a system with hot rads upstairs, cold or very slightly warm down and have the following questions for you 1 what does an actuator do.. there is the pump above and a T junction below with an actuator on each branch, pipes are hot both sides of all three...