Recent content by waterrat

  1. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    i see, thanks. As long as it's not unusual.... there don't appear to be any problems due to pressure anywhere else in the house. its all good :lol:
  2. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    well, it looks like that's that, new C/W feed installed from loft and the shower sounds much happier! no leaky no more and gets hotter ;-) perfect i discovered on my travels that the tank in the loft (the big one) only feeds the hot water tank below it. there is a smaller header tank for the...
  3. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    Dale, thanks for this. funny how i had complicated things in my head. For some reason i had imagined putting in a new cold supply to the bathroom when in fact its only the shower that needs it. And that is only an hour or so's work, just to run a pipe from the tank, across the loft space and...
  4. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    hi again, the pipe i'm talking about is a rubber connecting hose inside the shower. it bulges if i turn the C/W on. i realise the cold water shouldn't come straight from the mains, in fact until you said that, i hadnt really given alot of thought to where it came from as i was replacing an...
  5. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    Hi to you both and thanks ;-) Basically, the bathroom used to be downstairs (in 1937) when it was moved upstairs I think the cold supply was routed up to tbe bedroom above in a 15mm pipe. The hot water is gravity fed but the h/w storage rank is on the same level as the bathroom. The end result...
  6. W

    PRV's plumbing 'nightmare'

    hello everyone.... ive just completed a monster project and run up against something i just can't fathom. Ive replastered my living room, which was back breaking, but came out well... i'd never done that before... the i installed a new bathroom. This included laying a new floating floor...