Recent content by WirelesssPaul

  1. W


    I have a MIRA 515 mixer shower that worked from a hot water multipoint and cold inlet direct. The old Multipoint 'blew up' forcing water out through the shower even though closed. At the moment with the new Worcester Bosch 30si the shower is not working. Should the Mira 415 work ok with the...
  2. W

    New boiler

    Having looked round this site and seen the posts (on this question "Best Boiler" and others) I really get the impression that the combi boilers will not last more that 7 years so am now wondering about separate boilers as we had/have one for water and one for CH; is that a better (though more...
  3. W

    New boiler

    Thank for these two replies I feared that it might be the way of the second reply!!! Paul Hudson
  4. W

    New boiler

    Sorry the previous message zoomed off before I had finished it! I do not think that there will be an answer to this question but i thought I would ask anyway. Our multipiont water heater has just packed in so am wondering about replacing it with a new combi one to supply hot water...
  5. W

    Which one is the best?

    I do not thik that there will be an answer to this question but i thought I would ask anyway. Our multipiont water heater has just packed in so am wondering about replacing it with a new combi one to supply hot water and CH. So which Boiler