Recent content by wxy234

  1. W

    45 degree rule

    I wish to enquire where the 45 degree rule is measured from for the vertical plane? Is it the window sill, the same base height (850mm) that right to light is measured or the centre of the window. This measuring point will determine whether the 45 degree line clears or cuts across. Are...
  2. W

    two/three storey extension and 45 degree rule

    Since placing the original post, I have seen the other recent posts on the 45 degree rule and now realise that we may have a case for "Right for Light". The question in my original post is as previously noted: The example assumed that your windows are in line with the main wall, whereas in...
  3. W

    two/three storey extension and 45 degree rule

    A neighbour has proposed building a full width extension two/three storey's high with a room in the extended roof. My local planners say we can object through design consideration and how the sheer mass overshadows us. In their guidelines an example is quoted whereby if a line is drawn...