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  1. lastmuffininbrussels


    As we only just remembered the millions that sacrificed their lifes in the fight for freedom against hatred and extremism and within days genx and millennials now turn to the right and far right in European elections and prove that history repeats, nothings has been learned. Unlike other...
  2. lastmuffininbrussels

    Very true

    It’s normally the brexity types that have the mental illness of racism.
  3. lastmuffininbrussels

    Good old tradition of racism
  4. lastmuffininbrussels

    Thank Goodness

    3000 jobs to go. Thank goodness the fruits of Brexit will soften the blow…. ****ing knobs!
  5. lastmuffininbrussels

    Wall Hung Toilet

    Can you use the small brick tiles on the wall of a wall hung toilet or is to heavy. I was wondering if the grout would crack as well. I currently have wood affect large tiles which don’t have any issue with the gerberit frame/wall hung toilet onto a ply board then tiled surface
  6. lastmuffininbrussels


    The daily Mail telling us the need for immigration. In fact the same need for many ageing European Countries turning to racist parties ironically in a last ditch attempt to stop it.
  7. lastmuffininbrussels

    I take it all back

    Brexit really is a success story
  8. lastmuffininbrussels

    Times Up

    Well the swamp is draining as it looks like the Orange con man’s time is up. Unlike Trump we’re stuck with our own version of Trump which is Brexit
  9. lastmuffininbrussels


    All these dark skinned channel hoppers coming over here. Owww hold on!
  10. lastmuffininbrussels

    I hate Queue’s

    You poor Brexit lads must have hated queuing to vote.
  11. lastmuffininbrussels


    Leading the assault on Capitol Hill, siding with nazi’s in Charlottesville and now a MAGA nut job opening fire on a 4th of July parade I Think it’s safe to say this dangerous orange con man is a certified domestic terrorist.
  12. lastmuffininbrussels

    Tories Are Gone.

    Well it’s official. Under a Boris leadership Labour, Lib Dems whosever will be In power. He’s a officially a noose around the neck of the Tory’s and a liability. Keep him in please it will gaurantee we get rid of this Eton mess
  13. lastmuffininbrussels


    O dear! That didn’t get off the ground did it brexit boyz! Humanity 1- hate filled ignorant crunts 0 ;)
  14. lastmuffininbrussels


  15. lastmuffininbrussels


    Women and children buried alive due his indiscriminate bombings and this tyrant is giving a super bowl type propaganda celebration. Just as RT gets pulled for out and out lies! Reminds me of pro Putin trump rallies and Fox news’s trumps propaganda machine...
  16. lastmuffininbrussels

    The right wingers moan about equality
  17. lastmuffininbrussels

    O dear!

    O **** help us from the enemy within (y) Read more:
  18. lastmuffininbrussels

    Chelsea! Chelsea!
