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  1. S

    Lost my centre screw

    Just drained and bled my radiators and tried to bleed central heating pump and the centre screw fell our and fell through the floor down into the chimney, the only way I can get it back would be to remove the back boiler downstairs that is well above my competency. Is there anywhere I can buy...
  2. S

    Central heating leaking into hot water

    Hi Guys Firstly thanks to everyone who advised me to insulate rather than replacing my central heating controls, this has made a massive difference! I've now taken off my blocked radiators and flushed them through and added Sentinel x400 to the central heating. The problem I have now...
  3. S

    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Hi Guys I'm trying to upgrade my central heating control unit to one that allows me to turn the heating on without the hotwater. Currently I have one that only allows me to have the hot water on only or the hot water and heating (can have them timed also using the dial), there are three...