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  1. L


    In the summer I am thinking of starting a refurbishment on my mothers house. She recently passed away and left it to me in her will. The house is now empty and my husband an I (as the queen would say) are thinking of doing most of the work ourselves. We will have an electrician in to do all...
  2. L

    PRD (water coming from Triton Rapide 4 shower unit)

    I have water coming from the plastic pipe just inside my shower unit, I have been told that this is due to the pressure relief being knackered. I have a Triton Rapide 4. Is this somthing I can do myself? Yes I will isolare at the CU before trying.
  3. L

    Loss of lighting

    Hi, The light in my living room has blown and now there is no electricity to the light switch. Before calling out an electrician, what can I do myself to locate diagnose and possibly (safely) fix the problem. I have a small electrical toolkit as recommended by members of this forum a...
  4. L

    I want to teach myself about electricity

    Is there anywhere on Internet where I can learn about electricity. Now, we are talking basics here. Wiring a plug, testing appliances that are not working, fitting a new ceiling light, changing a light switch for a dimmer etc.
  5. L

    Small cracks...

    Anyone know what might have caused this (guessing that it dried out to fast) and more importantly, how do I repair it?
  6. L


    Hello all, Have just found this site and as I am recently (just retired) into DIY I thought I would check the site out. Having had a very quick nose around, I see there is a lot of humour. That's good as I like a good laugh and have many jokes to tell. I like a drink and I smoke (cough...