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  1. N

    moving HW cylinder

    Hi there We're wanting to move our HW cylinder down stairs into the garage (this is directly below where it it situated now) the boiler is down here so the pipe work alterations will not be too drastic. My concern is, will i develop air, or air locks with the hot water? With it having to...
  2. N

    shower feed tank problem

    The mixer shower in question, has a twin pump located in a closet, from a gravity fed system. As it is one side of the house, it has a seperate tank which solely feeds the cold side of the shower. Hot supply is just picked up via the cylinder. The problem we have is the tank (feeding...
  3. N

    tank filling from outlet?

    ive just had a msg from a customer, who's overflow rom there HW storage tank is leaking. hes had a look and said its not the ball valve, but he can feel water coming in from one of the oulets, if memory seves me there is at least two oulets as thee is a shower pump. cant go look at it till...
  4. N

    Fernox DS 3?

    A customer of ours has just called to see if the fernox ds 3 lime scale remover is any good, its not something we're familiar with. He explanes that the water hardness in there area has recently been improved, and he has changed the HW tank. The taps pressure are not what they were, he...
  5. N

    Central Heating blockage?

    I have been workig on a house, the central heating is open vented, with a floor standing boiler and standard cylinder in airing cupboard, There are two moterised valves one for water, one for heat, and the pump sounds fine. (not sure about the room stat) I have been to this house before...
  6. N

    megaflow-cant run two showers

    my parents, had a mega flow tank fitted 18 months ago. now, recently they have been using both showers in the house at the same time. but they are both really poor, although 1 on its own is fine. the pressure coming into the house is regulated (5bar) (15mm) the supply cold in the airing...
  7. N

    fit new valve tips

    I am about to fit new honeywell 3 port mid pos valve, on a like for like basis, (think the valve is sticking in one position, this making hot water too hot, and not heating the central heating enough) any hints and tips before i wade in?? cheers
  8. N

    Two Radiators not workin'

    Hi there, would appreciate any advice here as my downstairs is freezing! Have an old vokera combi with micro bore to the rads. I have 6 rads in total 3up, 3 downstairs. but 2 of them down stairs will not even get luke warm, and the pipe work leading to the valves is cold too. the other...
  9. N

    Hot Water, Too Hot

    Would appreciate any help or comments on this one, as my inlaws :evil:(on Holiday) Have given me the task of sorting the problem out. The hot water cylinder is far too hot, and it has effected the central heating (not as warm as it was). Have tryed adjusting the cylinder thermostat and...