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  1. Z

    Removal of chimney breast, do I need to fill the inset hole? (1)

    Hi I have removed a chimney breast on the first floor, there's is not chimney on the floor above as we had a loft conversion a number of years ago, However I am wanting to know what (and if) I have to fill the inset in the wall with? Does it need to be rendered? What other options if any are...
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    Can someone tell me what these boiler pipes are

    As per title. I know top is flue, long diagonal is the condensate. What is the short third one. This was originally pointing upwards and when I twisted 180 to current position water fell out .....
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    Salus receiver both red and green light on

    Hi all I have a salus thermostat and a receiver for my central heating, recently the receiver stopped working (no red or green light). I have now replaced and have power to the receiver, but I seem to be getting both a solid red and green lights on at the same time and still no heating What...
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    Used fast set mapei on porcelain tiles instead mapei fast set porcelain.

    Hi all, Was laying some porcelain tiles onto a concrete stair in the garden and didn't realise I had picked up and used mapei fast set (suitable for ceramic) on the first couple stairs. Only realised I didn't have the mapei suitable for porcelain when I went to buy more and realised the price...
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    What type of grout for patio

    hi all, just laid out a new porcelain patio i would like to know is there a specific type of grout required for porcelain or can i use a standard sand and cement mix. I know there are some other product you can essentially sweep into the gaps, but they seem to be pretty expensive so would like...
  6. Z

    What type of grout to use for porcelain patio?

    hi all, just laid out a new porcelain patio i would like to know is there a specific type of grout required for porcelain or can i use a standard sand and cement mix. I know there are some other product you can essentially sweep into the gaps, but they seem to be pretty expensive so would like...
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    Cutting concrete round clay pipe (pic added)

    Hi I did post before, but did not include the image I have here I am looking to cut away the concrete floor from this clay pipe but I am worried I may crack the pipe. What would be the best way to go about this. I also have some plastic pipes (not shown in this pic) would it be the same...
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    Removing concrete around cast iron/clay rain water pipe

    Hi all I have some old rainwater pipes from roof to below ground. I would like to remove the concrete ground around the rainwater pipe so I may lay some paving slabs Whats the best way to do this without cracking the pipe I have access to a electric breaker.
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    Consequences of not having a roofing gutter.

    Hi All, Just a general question, if you have a building that doesn't have a gutter and no roofing overhang either, when rainwater runs off the roof and down the side of the building can this cause the external render to become damaged and cracked which can lead to damp entering the building...
  10. Z

    Wet tile cutter. Does 20mmm disc bore suit equipment

    Hi all, I am getting a wet saw cutter to cut some porcelain slabs for my patio, The item description says 110mm disc with 20mm bore All the blades I'm finding are 22mm bore, is this suitable for the item. Or am I meant to get a 20mm disc bore aswell to suit a 20mm equipment bore from...
  11. Z

    Saw cutter says 20mm bore. All discs 22mm?

    Hi all, I am getting a wet saw cutter to cut some porcelain slabs for my patio, The item description says 110mm disc with 20mm bore All the blades I'm finding are 22mm bore, is this suitable for the item. Or am I meant to get a 20mm disc bore from somewhere?
  12. Z

    Can I use very old left over sharp sand still?

    Hi all This may be a very stupid question, but I am laying out patio and need some more sharp sand for my mortar bed. Was doing a big clean around the house and lo and behold I found a ton bag of it round the side of my house that has been sitting there for what I assume is 8 or 9 years...
  13. Z

    What type of sand for Porcelain patio

    Hi All i am laying a porcelain patio on a MOT 1 base. In my haste i accidently ordered a tonne bag of builders sand and cant now return it, from my research i think i may have ordered the wrong type and should have got sharp sand, is this correct. I have read some people do a mix, but not...
  14. Z

    What sand for laying patio bed

    Hi All, I am due to start laying a porcelain patio, but in my haste I believe I stupidly bought the wrong sand. I have bought a jumbo bag of builders sand, from what I read It looks like I should have got sharp sand. Can someone confirm if this is correct as it seems to vary (I've read 50/50 in...
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    Ordering from selco using a different branch.

    Hi all. When ordering online from selco online, it gives the option of the store region you would like to order from. It doesn't seem to restrict you from ordering from branches outside of London for delivery to a address within London therefore the price is lower (branches outside of London...
  16. Z

    How much sand and cement required for my patio

    Hi all building a patio in my garden. It's about 45m2. My mortar bed will be 30mm. Can anyone advise how much sand and cement will I need. Thanks
  17. Z

    External wall render in rain.

    Hi all I have rendered (scratch coat only not top coat) a large garden wall last night as the weather reports indicated a dry couple of days. Unfortunately around 3 hours after finishing the scratch coat it started raining and looks like it will be raining all day today. It hasn't washed...
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    how much hardcore do i need

    laying down a new porcelain patio. need to put down hardcore. only looking to do 75mm as i dont have access to the garden so will be carrying it all by hand through the house. how many bulk bags of mot 1 do you reckon i need. area to cover is 44m2 approx thanks
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    help in slopes for porcelain patio

    Hi all, looking to slope a new porcelain patio that im laying. im not sure the best direction to slope as im trying to avoid a large gradient on the long length best as i can. i have provided 2 options option A is to slope from left to right option B is to slope from top to bottom option C -...
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    can porcelain patio just drain into grass

    Hi all looking to lay some porcelain slabs down as part of a patio. im looking to slope away from the house so can i slope the patio such that it drains to a area of grass im keeping rather than connecting to aco drains and feeding into a actual drain? thanks