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  1. T

    oddly sized fridge/freezer or other suggestions..

    I have need of a new fridge, which I'd like to place under the kitchen window (there's a load of wall space and power outlets there). The problem is the height of the window from the floor is only 120 cm, it is, however about 2 meters wide. While I realise a under counter style one would...
  2. T

    yet another bonding question

    In my bathroom the bath and sink taps share the same incoming water pipework (the only metalwork in the room). If I was to bond these together where they come in to the room would the sink taps still need bonding together (they are currently bonded as well as the bath taps), which would be...
  3. T

    My very old metal consumer unit thingy.. opinions / interest

    This is the 'consumer unit' in my flat (a 60s/70s ex local authority (hackney) flat). From the looks of it, this metal box was constructed specifically for the flats here. It is embedded in a concrete wall (actually its a plywood fascia on a concrete wall). The 'fuseboard' is in the top part...
  4. T

    BCOs reinterpreting Part P?

    I have a 20A radial running through my kitchen with exactly 2 single gang sockets on it (one powers the fridge, and the other the extractor fan). I wanted to install an extra socket on it to run my dishwasher (which is currently powered by an extension cable coming from the flat ring main...