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  1. K

    How to drill

    My hubby should come on this site! I encourage, persuade and attempt to exercise all my feminine wiles, all to no avail. He is simply not interested. Hence, I end up with the DIY jobs! Can someone please recommend a good website which could take me through the simple steps of drilling...
  2. K

    brand new kitchen chemical type smell

    Our brand new kitchen was installed two weeks ago. The chemical smell inside the cupboards is just awful. The odour even permeates into our food and we can taste it when eating. I've been in touch with the company who supplied it and they said "open the cupboard doors" and "cut an onion in...
  3. K

    Guttering overhanging on neighbours property?

    We're about to have a new kitchen extension built. The roof will pitch downwards towards the party wall which will form part of the extension. Fixing guttering in the usual way will mean it will overhang on our neighbours property and we'd rather not get into that. Any ideas please?