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  1. G

    Hot water cylinders on platforms

    Guys, Are you able to tell me if it is now a compulsory regulation to install a hot water cylinder on a platform (even if it is just two small pieces of wood). A plumber told me that this was the case and as a result my pipework would have to be modified (meaning more expense). If this is...
  2. G

    Radiators with flow from the top

    Hi everyone, I'm thinking of chancing the valves on my radiators to TRVs, however I have a few concerns. At the moment each radiator only appears to have one valve. Water enters the radiator from the top and leaves at the bottom (or is it the other way around????). The pipe entering the...
  3. G

    Air lock?

    Hi guys, Wonder if you might be able to help me. I went to do a job recently involving the addition of 2 radiators in a house. The job was easy enough, however when I came to recommission the system I’ve hit a couple of fairly major problems. These are: - The newly installed radiators...