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  1. M

    Banging noise from next door

    As suggested, I will probably have to take it up (politely) with the neighbour. I was just hoping to go round armed with some knowledge as to what it could be. Thanks for all the replies.
  2. M

    Banging noise from next door

    Thanks for the reply. No I am pretty certain it isn't shower related. It has even done it when no one is in next door. It happens twice a day at about the same times and is regular in noise and time. Consistent with something timed, such as the central heating system being on. 3 knocks...
  3. M

    Banging noise from next door

    I live in a semi detached house, and for a couple of years now I have been hearing a knocking noise through the adjoining wall. I can usually hear it twice a day for about an hour each time. This would make me think it is related to their central heating system. It comprises of 3 loud...