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  1. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Thanks Richard, I have left the filters in - I've only taken the NRV's out. The pipework from pump to valve is also in 22 right upto the two inlets in the valve and it is not up and over pipework - it runs straight from the two pump outlets to the valve which is a distance of @ 3 feet...
  2. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Thansk for the advice and I'll update once I've checked the gate vales.
  3. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Understood and I will check them out. So in conclusion, if they are unrestricted and the problem does seem to be solely related to the resistance of the NRV's alone, do you forsee any problems if I leave them out?
  4. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK I say...I'm not sure but will find out. I would have thought that the flow must be sufficient though as the bath filler always works ? Would you agree that as both the cold feed to the pump and the HW Cylinder / Essex flange feed to the hot water side are being fed...
  5. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Have just checked them and they are all fully open. Also when selecting the bath filler on the valve, I have never had a problem - I assume this is due to the fact it's much lower down and therefore much more possitive. lifting the tank is a last resort option really as the system is now...
  6. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Not sure on what type the gate valves are.....
  7. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Hi Seco, Yes - there are gate valves on both the hot and cold feeds to the pump and also gate valves from the hot and cold outputs from the pump to the thermostatic valve - so basically by shutting all four gate valves down, the whole pump can be safely removed. In addition to this there...
  8. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Hi Seco Services, Sorry about the war and peace in the original post - hope it didn't put you to sleep. Any advice or guidance would be greatfully received. Rgds Simon
  9. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Hi Mogget Thanks for the input - I would agree that in priciple both feeds should be in balance due to the fact that they come from the same CWS but like you I'm no expert or professional. I'm also a little concerned as to what the long term effects of pump over run could mean - again no...
  10. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Anyone got any thoughts or advise on below problem please Much appreciated Simon
  11. N

    Borderline negative head shower / RSP 75 pump-is this fix OK

    Hi There This is my first post here and I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on the following problem I have and the 'fix' I'm thinking about. Appologies if it's a bit long winded but I want to explain what's happening and also the background. Have just recently installed a 3 way...