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  1. J

    Structural engineers role

  2. J

    Structural Liability

  3. J

    Window lintel - builder's rule-of-thumb or job for SE?

    Thanks Woody. A few comments about your replies: 1. Do BCO's do free calculations for builders now? 2. Regarding your comment: "Then I asked a building surveyor and he told me that any suitable standard lintel, in a domestic property in a typical opening with no unusual point loading...
  4. J

    Window lintel - builder's rule-of-thumb or job for SE?

    Woody, how can you be so certain that a structural engineer is not required. Does the roof span on to the lintel or parallel to the lintel? Given the description of the alteration, it does not sound like masonry arching can be relied on. You should be aware that the majority of DIY shops only...