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  1. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    Thank you John for that very clear explanation, if only the supplied instructions had been so clear. BTW is it critical for live feed to be connected to Com and the light to either L1 or L2? Or can the live go into L1 or 2 and the light into Com?
  2. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    OK, so firstly a big thank you to all of you, not least as you responded so quickly. Although revealing a new level numpty-ism on my part, I'm pleased to report that this has turned out better than I had expected. At your prompting I went back into the switch to sort the errant earth wire...
  3. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    Yes, it's very loosely sleeved. The light is only controlled by the single switch. In all likelihood the installation was originally completed when the house was built c. 1995. Not sure if that makes it more or less likely to have been botched :shock:
  4. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    It's sleeved in green and yellow - that IS the earth, right??
  5. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    Ummm, so does that change your advice...? Really pretty clueless here and want to make sure I don't torch my nearest and dearest :D
  6. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    FYI both the switch to which I am referring and the one in the bathroom I replaced a while back are all plastic
  7. J

    Install light switch homeless earth cable

    You're talking to a complete newbie here, when you mean connector block you're referring to one of those little opaque plastic chaps with the multiple terminals in, yes? So what I am doing is simply tucking the bare wire safely away from the others? Strangely the one I replaced in the...
  8. J

    Garden Equipment Dilemma

    Hello All Am a bit of gardening newbie, having decided that it makes no sense to pay a man to do it for me. Having armed myself with a decent lawnmower, I now need to find a strimmer (do they still call them that?) and a hedge trimmer. I don't have a huge garden, in facts its small to...