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  1. W

    Torbeck valve not working since megaflow installation

    JayJay Your comment below inspired me to have another crack at it. "Torbecks can be finiky and the smallest speck of dirt in the valve can cause problems" And it's now fixed!! A toothbrush bristle (the wife's of course) was just the right size to clear that little speck. Thanks.
  2. W

    Torbeck valve not working since megaflow installation

    Agile, I've got them coming around next week to take me through all the paperwork and corgi certificates etc. It's been a full CH system install as we were on warm air. Building control are also visiting to sign it all off soon. I'll make sure your points are covered.
  3. W

    Torbeck valve not working since megaflow installation

    nothing much on the plumbing front. Mainly finishing detail like bits of carpentry. We've just had an extension. The only other thing for the plumbers is that the shower door hinges aren't straight. I've been told that this is because the walls aren't straight. I don't believe that, it's...
  4. W

    Torbeck valve not working since megaflow installation

    Thanks. I didn't see anything like a flow restrictor. I don't know if they checked - I've just got back from hols and am compiling my snagging list. If it was a quick fix then I wouldn't bother them. I'll get in touch with the plumbers.
  5. W

    Torbeck valve not working since megaflow installation

    Hi. I've recently had a megaflow installed and since this the cistern in my bathroom has been extremely slow to fill. I've got a side entry Torbeck valve (marked "The original Torbeck"). I've checked for blockages in the pipes and removing the valve allows the water to flow freely so no...