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  1. E

    Crack in sandstone lintel

    Hello Due to the bad weather i have developed a two foot horizontal crack under the window in the lintel. Anyone advise what is the best medium to repair this. I was told not cement due to the reaction between sea air and cement will corrode the sandsotne. What about outdoor polyfilla...
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    Repressuring pressure vessel - Puma 80e

    Thanks for the info. The only way i can drain the system is to open the pressure relief valve (not desirable) or disconnect a radiator. I could open the bleed valve on the radiator to allow the pressure to drop and leave it open to allow air/water to escape, but would this be enough?
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    Repressuring pressure vessel - Puma 80e

    Hello all I recently posted, regarding my boiler pressure and it was suggested that I try repressuring the vessel. I have read the FAQ but wish to seek some further information before i try this. I have located the valve at the top of the system but beofre i start to repressurise the...
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    Another Potterton Puma 80e request for help

    Thanks guys for the quick repsonse. Can i ask for clarification of a couple of things. When repressuring, I let the pressure gague drop to 0. Then repressurise the system to 1 bar cold. The bit im stumped at, is when repressurising, i have to allow the air and water to escape. In...
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    Another Potterton Puma 80e request for help

    Hello all I am a keen reader of these forum and have picked up a few tips that have saved me a lot of money in the past. I have recently developed a problem with my boiler. A week ago, the radiator was coolish and i decided to bleed it. It let out a lot of air and naturally the boiler...