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  1. A

    Fence height

    How about a holly or pyracantha (these have 2 inch spikes on them) - I'm growing these along our back fence which backs on to council land. They have berries which the birds eat - (some may even drop over the council fence and start growing from the other side?). There is also a holly which...
  2. A

    Plugs for hinge holes

    We have just had a composite door installed that came with white flag hinges. There are covers for the adjustment screws at the top and bottom of the bit attached to the side, but the horizontal adjustment screws which have a hole for access on the side has no covers. The installer said...
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    Garden Vac

    Just thought I would mention that I bought a small one from Wickes last year. I found it really good and not too heavy - though noisy so have to wear ear defenders. I am only 5ft tall and 8 stone, and was able to carry it without it dragging on the floor or making my shoulders ache. I used...