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  1. S

    Free Solar Panels - Whats the Catch

    I looked at this a while back - the contract I saw allowed the householder to have the panels removed twice - I think at the panel owners' expense - during the 25 year contract period in order to undertake major roof repairs. I didn't pursue the possibility as we are a little short on suitable...
  2. S

    Rattly non-rising spindle upstairs basin hot tap.

    Thanks Nige - not sure how I would test for that :) Regards, Springnuts.
  3. S

    Rattly non-rising spindle upstairs basin hot tap.

    - Good evening all, I would be grateful for any advice about a tap. The tap concerned is a non-rising spindle upstairs basin hot tap. It starts to rattle almost as soon as the water flow starts. It rattles whether the water coming through it is hot or cold. It stops rattling once...