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  1. BBSBuilding

    Anyone seen anything like this before?

    have you checked above for roof/pipe leaks?
  2. BBSBuilding

    Anyone seen anything like this before?

    cant see the situation properly but you may need an air vent in the void that houses the pipes. if you block off a chimney stack you need an air vent in the wall so could be the same here.
  3. BBSBuilding

    fixing concrete railing posts to balcony

    Will the top rail be supported?
  4. BBSBuilding

    Is it safe to remove part of a breeze block inner wall...?

    You can take this out without supporting above since the stretcher bond of the block-work will support its self. Cavity walls are designed for condensation to run down the inside and onto the cavity tray which directs it back out of the wall. I doubt you would get problems with damp but...
  5. BBSBuilding

    Inspection chamber sizes

    other than that...the drainage center have a large range but they are quite expensive.
  6. BBSBuilding

    Boundary question. Has anybody come across this before?

    I heard there was a law that states if your fence is over the boundry for more than 7 years it the becomes legally yours....not sure if its true but might be the same for buildings
  7. BBSBuilding

    Messy ceiling

    yes 12 mm would be better for feathering out bumps but i think id still use 9mm and let the plaster take out the bumps. Probably need 3 coats. No real need to use stop bead though. just stop half way and feather the edge as thin a possible into the plaster board. When plastering the other...
  8. BBSBuilding

    Messy ceiling

    For best results you would cut the boards to the joists once you know where they are. I have in the past just butted them and put in a dry-lining screw through the board above at an angle. The scrim will hold it strong once the plaster has gone off. All joints and edges need to have scrim...
  9. BBSBuilding

    vent bricks

    Air vents are not just for boilers, they also stop condensation and mould build up. You could end up with a damp problem. I would suggest maybe blocking one and put an open/close vent cover on the other. You are more likely to get problems if you have solid brick walls. where the cold from...
  10. BBSBuilding

    Messy ceiling

    Taking the ceiling down is the best job but to need to weigh up the pro's and con's. If the ceiling is not too uneven then you could board over. - Use long dry lining plaster-board screws. you will need to locate the joists on both sides of the room and draw a line between them. I do this by...
  11. BBSBuilding

    industrial vacuum cleaner?

    Ive been using henry for years with no probs....great builders hoover and you dont have to use a bag :)
  12. BBSBuilding

    Loft and Cavity wall insulation

    Rockwall cavity bats should be fine for the eyes of building control - Check thickness with your building control/plans
  13. BBSBuilding

    Advice on building partition wall in single integral garage

    If you are changing the use of your garage then normally you will need building regs. Mostly they want to see that your insulation is up to standard. The walls will require a certain insulation value or U value. You may have to stud and insulate inside or use thermal boards. If there is a...
  14. BBSBuilding

    Plasterboarding a new wall

    If you dot and dab the internal block-work you should apply a watered down PVA to the surface and use some long galvanized nails here and there into the block-work. Instead of using the plasterboard adhesive which is heavy and needs to be knocked up, I now use Insta Stick which is an expanding...