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  1. G

    Room sealed wood burner?

    To room seal it, an external air vent must be drilled through a wall to feed the fire. Makes perfect sense if you think about it, instead of drawing air from the room (that you've already paid to heat) to go up the chimney, it draws air from outside. From Burley website: "British Standards...
  2. G

    Room sealed wood burner?
  3. G

    Room sealed wood burner?

    Nope absolutely not- I'm a full time mum with enough time on my hands to research these things. I am however struggling to find anyone stocking a Burley stove so I can view one before I buy- I think they are new on the market, but I like the sound of all their blurb.
  4. G

    Room sealed wood burner?

    The Burley new range of T3 Technology stoves are room sealed and DO NOT require a permanent vent. Excellent news for someone like me trying to draft seal an old house!