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  1. C

    Vinyl planks

    Thanks for all the replies, think it basically depends what I can get hold of easily. Need to do some research as live fairly rural and don't have any store options.
  2. C

    Vinyl planks

    Can I make sure I've got this right, if I lay the isolator membrane, I won't need to do anything else to the floor and then ill lay the adhesive planks on the membrane? Sorry for my complete ignorance, my DIY usually extends to painting and flat pack furniture. Am I likely to be able to...
  3. C

    Vinyl planks

    Sorry I wouldn't have a clue if there is a DPM under the concrete? We have had problems with damp in the walls of our living room, which is beside it. House was built in the 40s. Haven't seen under the carpet recently, but am pretty sure it's smooth, will take a look once I'm certain I'm doing...
  4. C

    Vinyl planks

    Hi I'm wanting to put down vinyl planks in our 1m2 hall. The floor beneath the existing carpet is concrete. The instructions with the planks states I must first lay a damp proof membrane, but it neglects to tell me how I should secure this membrane to the floor?? Will adhesive tape work ok...
  5. C

    Removing decking

    Do these pictures help? Sorry the first is upside down, no idea why it uploaded that way round when it's saved on computer correctly.[/img]
  6. Untitled


  7. Untitled


  8. Untitled


  9. Decking


  10. C

    Removing decking

    I don't know how hard it would be, or how big a job I'm creating for myself, that's why I'm asking.... I'll try an get a pic, pouring down at the minute. I imagine it's a cheap job like most other things we realise they've done, after we bought the house. How easy is it to tell...
  11. C

    Removing decking

    We are wondering how easy is would be to remove decking put down by the previous occupants as we are wanting to keep chickens in that space and dirt or grass would be more appropriate for them to live on. The area covered by deck is approximately 8ft by5ft and ideally I would like to remove...