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    Could this house be extended?

    Hello, I am currently putting an offer into the house pictured below. It is a 3 bedroom house that I would like to extend. Would just like to know if you think it would be ok to get planning permission to extend above the garage. I understand the garage will probable need knocking down.. new...
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    Concrete blocks, 2 types?

    I am looking at buying my 9 inch hollow concrete blocks for my raised flower bed wall. I have been to 2 places- one sell grey blocks the other are yellow. Both of which are 7 newtons. Does it make a difference? I take it you can render both of them?
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    Root through a foundation . Can it just be cut?

    Hi I am digging my foundations for my raised garden wall / raised bed. I have come across a few roots form a tree that is about 6ft away. One of the roots is about 4 inch wide. Is it ok to cut it either side and just fill the foundation or do you think I will get problems later on? Was thinking...
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    Garden wall

    Hello, was wondering if any one could help? I am going to build a raised garden bed retaining wall for a flower bed, as you can see from the picture the back of the wall will be 15 m long, the flowerbeds will be spilt into 3 sections of around 5 meters long. Each section will be 1 block...
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    Long Retaining wall for flower bed

    Hello, was wondering if any one could help? I am going to build a raised garden bed retaining wall for a flower bed, as you can see from the picture the back of the wall will be 15 m long, the flowerbeds will be spilt into 3 sections of around 5 meters long. Each section will be 1 block...