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  1. M

    Problem with meshed Render

    Hello again chaps The reason the seller gave for the render being attached was that the end wall was painted but kept peeling away due to salt coming back out through the bricks. The current render was attached onto a wall with no render previously attached to the wall. There seems to...
  2. M

    Problem with meshed Render

    End wall with render
  3. Untitled


  4. M

    Problem with meshed Render

    Hi Roy The house is brick built. This is a Weber meshed system but not sure what product the contractor actually used (in the process of finding out)... The cracking is all over (a bit bigger than hairline cracks) & yes, that is a cable. (Render looks like a jigsaw puzzle!) If you...
  5. M

    Problem with meshed Render

    Hi All I have a problem which hopefully you guys can help me with. We bought our house in January this year and the gable end wall was rendered 8 months ago by the previous owner due to damp, (our house was built in 1850). We noticed that the rendered wall seems to have hairline cracks...
  6. Render problem

    Render problem

  7. Render

