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  1. J

    Salt container

    Hi Bathjobby Thank you for your replay. I did this time what you told me. I used to take out water from container and add salt. Now the problem is sorted. I found this website by accident and glad to join. Thanks a lot and have a good day. Regards
  2. J

    Salt container

    Hi Bathjobby Of course I use salt all the time, but I didn't know the way I doing is normal or not. I took out some water which wasn't easy and added some salt. So when you add salt you just add some salt and it sink the bottom of the container and natually displaced. Please let me know how...
  3. J

    Salt container

    Hi PFE Thank you for your information. It helps. Best regards. June
  4. J

    Salt container

    Hi everyone! I've used Bosh Dishwasher for 2 years. After the indication of salt I try to add more salt. But the container is full of water. So I take out the water first and add full of salt. Does anyone know what to do regarding this problem? Or it this normal??? Thank you in advance.