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  1. P

    Lots of water leaking from boiler

    Thanks Tibbot, I understand that. I don't live in the house you see, and no one has lived in it for a while, and has it just recently been bought. Now it's just in the process of getting it ready to try and get tenants. Would turning the water on, and refilling the boiler in the way I...
  2. P

    Lots of water leaking from boiler

    So does anyone have experiences with something like this? What do you mean brought back into service, just wait till the gas man comes to get it up and running.
  3. P

    Lots of water leaking from boiler

    Hi Got in to new house and there were notices up saying "WARNING HEATING AND WATER DRAINED DOWN" So I turned the water on, then filled the boiler to 1.5. After that water started leaking from all directions around the boiler. I opened one of the radiators, and got a bowl to catch the...