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  1. B

    Cradle for Power drill

    @[/b]freddymercurystwin[/b] Thanks for the posts. I like the DIY one and I'll be having a go at that. The B&D stand looks to be a bit small for most drills these days. The KWB looks like a useful standby.
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    Cradle for Power drill

    @gregers Thanks for the link but I've already got a vertical pillar stand like that. I want a cradle to mount the drill horizontally - handle up.
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    Cradle for Power drill

    Thank you John (Burnerman) and foxhole. It looks like I'll have to create my own cradle - the ones in the links are what I have seen, but I wanted something comparable in stability to the vertical stand which I have on the workbench.
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    Cradle for Power drill

    Some years ago B&D used to make a sort of cradle for a power drill (handle upwards) which could be mounted on a work bench so that the drill could be used horizontally. I've tried an internet search but I've only come across those clamps which look like portable vises with a circular bit to take...
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    Plugging holes in concrete lintel.

    Thanks for the reply. My main problem is that, even using a SDS drill (Ryobi), there seems to be a point at which I can make no further progress into the lintel (my wife says she can hear the bit hitting metal) and the hole just gets wider. The original screws were 8s and I've moved up to 10s...
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    Plugging holes in concrete lintel.

    Thanks for the advice. I've got some Unibond NMN so I'll give it a go.
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    Plugging holes in concrete lintel.

    The batten to which the curtain poles etc were attached has come away from the lintel above the window - presumably the weight of the curtains was too much for the fixings. Considerable damage has been done to some of the holes in the lintel, drilled to take the plastic plugs. We have bought...