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  1. R

    UPV door worryingly loose door hand

    You could have fixed the door lever simply by replacing the washer and circlip! You would have still had to remove the door handles from the door to get to the internal sprung mechanism but you would have saved a few quid if not more.
  2. R

    Door Handle Set for £4.99 from Handles4Doors

    Oh yeah I see you have to copy and paste the link. Thanks but brought the handles I need now anyway. Stainless steel and only £4.90 a pair. Thank you anyway Freddy
  3. R

    Door Handle Set for £4.99 from Handles4Doors

    Without Doubt Page Not Found! See Screenshot
  4. Untitled


  5. screen shot

    screen shot

  6. R

    dodgy door frame or door

    Could even ask the same carpenter back to hang the mirrors for added effect!
  7. R

    Door Handle Set for £4.99 from Handles4Doors

    When visiting the link I get Ooops...we can't find that page! Looking through their stainless steel range of door handles the lowest price they have is £5.99
  8. R

    Fixing door handle securely to MDF door

    Hi Klaus, sounds like you resolved it now, but going fwds if you ever face this problem again then using a filler made up from wood glue, saw dust, match sticks and cocktail sticks you can fill the holes, leave to set then screw into them again, with lasting results. I found this solution and...
  9. R

    UPV door worryingly loose door hand

    Thanks Crank, wish I'd read your reply sooner as I've found something similar but not quite the same at **************
  10. R

    UPV door worryingly loose door hand

    I got the exact same problem but can't find a replacement for mine :-( Are you sure there's no way to fix them. Thanks Ryan